Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
An estimated 80% of sexually active people will have HPV at some point in their lives.
HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection.
There are over 100 types of HPV.
It is possible to be infected and have no symptoms. There is no way to find out how long a particular infection has been present or trace it back to a particular partner. An HPV diagnosis only means that a person contacted an HPV infection at some point in their life, but not that your current partner necessarily gave it to you or cheated on you.
HPV doesn't affect JUST the genital area.
It can cause:
Cervical cancer
Vulvar and vaginal cancer
Precancerous lesions to cervix, vulvar, vagina
Genital warts
Anal cancer
Throat cancer and cancer to back of mouth (yep, oral sex – have you heard of dental dams for protections?)
Should the HPV vaccine be given if already exposed?
Gardasil 9 products against 9 types of HPV. 7 high-risk (cancer causing) and 2 low-risk (genital warts) types. You may have been exposed to one but not the other. So, yes!
Can an individual get the HPV vaccine after 26 years of age?
Yes! The vaccine is indicated for ages 9 through 45 years.
How effective is the HPV vaccine?
HPV vaccines are among the most effective vaccines available worldwide. 99% efficacy when administered to those not exposed to that particular type of HPV.
Don't condoms protect against HPV?
Studies have shown condom use lowers the risk of HPV infection but condoms leave the base of the penis, scrotum, vulva, anus and perineum uncovered and contact between these areas can transmit HPV.